Blended Learning

My goal for adapting Blended Learning is to enhance my students’ educational experience by incorporating more active learning in the classroom. A percentage (roughly 15%) of traditional lecture style classes are substituted with online learning and reviewing of the material. This increases class time for problem-solving and the classroom becomes more students centered.

More on Pedagogy and Education Leadership

For Students 

The following small video was prepared by UBC leap, Chapman learning commons. This video was prepared to answer some of students’ concerns about taking a course which is a little different from traditional lectures.
[youtube width=”212.5″ height=”172″][/youtube]


My approach to Blended learning

Guiding students in solving a problem is more conducive to learning than a lecture providing the answer. I free up class time by having students review basic concepts before class. They do this by watching the video tutorials I create.  While I still teach these concepts in class, I do not have to review them before subsequent lectures and when they have to be revisited for different sections. This allows me to engage students in problem-solving during lecture time. While we solve problems or apply concepts together I help students assimilate the new information and make the right connections with what they already know. I started using this approach in 2009 with only a few lectures and over time have developed video tutorials that have now culminated in this course with blended learning.